O.T.W 作词 : Kman 作曲 : Kman O.T.W Outside the Window/窗外 I sat at the desk, watching the bustle outside the window. (我坐在书桌旁,看着窗外的喧嚣) 没有什么大喜好 拒收大喜报 游走于歧途 I sat at the desk, watching the bustleoutside the window. (我坐在书桌旁,看着窗外的喧嚣) 人们各有各企图 八卦着皮毛 变换着喜怒 俗语话隔行如隔山 何必要为难 看世界一切要从简 撇开大麻烦 看枪林弹雨 或许会词不达意 听风声细语 窗外事明者自知 Bridge I sat at the desk, watching the bustle outside the window. (我坐在书桌旁,看着窗外的喧嚣) I sat at desk, watching the bustle outside the window. (我坐在书桌旁,看着窗外的喧嚣) I sat at the desk, watching the bustle outside the window. (我坐在书桌旁,看着窗外的喧嚣) 没有什么大喜好 拒收大喜报 游走于歧途 I sat at the desk, watching the bustle outside the window. (我坐在书桌旁,看着窗外的喧嚣) 人们各有各企图 八卦着皮毛 变换着喜怒 难辨真假 振膜外隔块玻璃 那导体纯属空气 别乱标不良动机 窗外事不属于你 你最好高高挂起 距离你十万八千里 站在那窗台上呵气 宁愿隔篱车水 唔愿隔篱中举 反正是是非非终会有人踩雷 有人功遂身退 身后装个避雷 有人适合吹水 洪流节节败退 I sat at the desk, watching the bustle outside the window. (我坐在书桌旁,看着窗外的喧嚣) I sat at the desk, watching the bustle outside the window. (我坐在书桌旁,看着窗外的喧嚣) I sat at the desk, watching the bustle outside the window. (我坐在书桌旁,看着窗外的喧嚣) I sat at the desk, watching the bustle outside the window. (我坐在书桌旁,看着窗外的喧嚣) 编曲:Yusei兄 后期混音制作:Kman