My OCD Hello? Hello,MR.Neil? How are you today? I am good. Ah, where is the rest of the group? Oh, it's just you. I'am the group? Yes. but don't worry. I don't need anyone else. That picture frame Those hoodie strings They are driving me insane Unequal pizza slices Fonts of different sizes It's more than I can take Missing parentheses Uneven Capri Googling "askew" Bags opened from the wrong end Should be recognized as a sin, Along with An unsolved Rubik's cube I gotta make things right Make it the way it's supposed to be It's my OCD Toilet paper facing inwards Un-synchronized synchronized swimmers A closet that's not organized Pills removed out of sequence Sideburns that are not even That one rebel mini blind And I gotta make things right Make it the way it's supposed to be It's my OCD Mr.Neil How is everything going? Fine. Would you like to take a break? Yeah, actually that would be great. Great, I hope you are hungry. I have prepared some snacks for you. Enjoy! I gotta make things right Make it the way it's supposed to be It's my OCD Baby I gotta make things right Make it the way it's supposed to be It's my OCD All right. We are all done. You are free to go. Mr.Neil? Mr.Neil? Can I come back tomorrow?