Sky Blush When you are lonely as the sky Left to be bluish Left to be bluish Waiting for the dark to come To hide your bluish your bluish Find the red light up the dark Sky blush till sun goes down You blush till lights fade down again Just lie with me and i can see Why the world is awake to escape the hurricane I wondering Sky blush sky blush just lyrics about you Sky blush sky blush just lyrics about you Sky blush sky blush just lyrics about you Sky blush sky blush just lyrics... I can’t even speak When you are lonely as a sleeved Left to be bluish Left to be bluish Waiting for the light to come To leave your bluish your bluish Leave the sky in up to the birds Fly fisher by the sky Those swim in a flow of fish Those swim in a tire tough flaunts Baby we can let you find burning While the world is asleep And wonder each amounts i’ll rise Sky blush sky blush just lyrics about you Sky blush sky blush just lyrics about you Baby Baby i’ll make it blush When mountains are blue Oh it’s all blue Oh so blue Sky blush sky blush just lyrics about you Sky blush sky blush just lyrics about you Sky blush sky blush just lyrics about you Sky blush sky blush just lyrics... I can’t even speak Baby i’ll make it blush When mountains are blue When mountains are blue Oh so blue Oh so blue So blue