Lil Nas X-Lil Nas X-Old Town Road(remix)(thomeboydontkill remix) 作词 : thomeboydontkill 作曲 : thomeboydontkill Yeah I’m gonna take my horse to the old town Road(我骑着我的宝马驰骋在老镇街上) Ride till I can’t no more(我要一直骑着我的马直到体力不支) ruger in my poket(左轮在我包里) and i always let it bang(我经常用它) i tell everybody(我告诉所有人) one day i ll got the fame(有一天我会出人头地) like my uncle danny(就像我叔叔danny一样) always tell me watch yall self(他经常叫我小心) dont pull yall trigger next to straw(不要在干草堆旁边扣扳机) u know that smell(你知道那味儿的) ride on my horse(我骑着我的马儿) and i go f* a lot of women(我和女人们玩耍) ladies adorable(女孩们很可爱) and she gave me her brooch what it on (给我了她的胸针把带胸针的部位也给我了) i gonna leave this place(我要离开这地方) so many yokel they had a happy face(这地方全是自满的乡巴佬) i wanna get some pay(我要去弄点钱) show my mama now what u goona say(看我妈妈还怎么说我) oh old town road(老家的路) oh i will never come home(我再也不会回去) oh old town road(老家的路) oh got arrogant my bone(我生来桀骜不驯) my neighbours trynna find me(街坊邻居都开始寻找我) cuz they heard my story(因为他们听说了我的事迹) fear full my enemies(我的敌人都怕我) i never take there cheese(我放他们走了) i always get drunk like my(我经常喝醉) father robert(和我老爹robert一样) he died early when i was a baby(他在我还是婴儿的时候去世)