[00:01.82] 曲/原词:鱼麦扣 [00:01.82] 改编词:鱼麦扣 [00:01.82] 编曲:白鲨JAWS [00:01.82] 吉他:嘉林 [00:01.82] 贝斯:老妹儿 [00:01.82] 鼓手:孙钰 [00:01.82] 音乐监制:Hannah/胡霓 [00:01.82] 音乐统筹:胡霓 [00:01.82] 音乐发行:Amber/吴哲宇 [00:01.82] 出品:哔哩哔哩音乐制作中心 [00:02.80] I can't breathe through the air [00:02.80] 我已无法呼吸 [00:11.19] I will end it here [00:11.19] 我将结束于此 [00:18.67] I have been lost [00:18.67] 我一直迷失着 [00:20.73] I have fought it back for so so long [00:20.73] 我已经反抗了太久 [00:23.22] I've been drawn to this sensation [00:23.22] 我已经沉沦于这种感觉 [00:25.84] Give in to my existence and now [00:25.84] 屈服于我的存在,现在 [00:29.94] Let it begin [00:29.94] 让终章开始 [00:31.86] Do you see me? [00:31.86] 你能看到吗? [00:36.64] I won't let you leave [00:36.64] 我不会让你离开 [00:43.87] Even if I'm trapped in repeats [00:43.87] 尽管我被困在永恒的循环中 [00:52.49] Cruelty has overtook reality [00:52.49] 残酷超越了现实 [00:55.58] The truth no longer works for me [00:55.58] 真理已然失效 [00:57.74] Destiny, profanity [00:57.74] 命运就像一种亵渎 [00:59.89] Maybe you will dream of me [00:59.89] 也许我们会在梦中相见 [01:01.93] Hope, locked up among secrets [01:01.93] 一切希望隐匿在秘密之中 [01:04.15] Underneath my steady gaze [01:04.15] 在我的凝视下 [01:06.26] I am never setting it free [01:06.26] 永远不会让它重见天日 [01:10.30] Awakened every night [01:10.30] 夜夜被唤醒 [01:12.44] Surrounded by the devils [01:12.44] 魔鬼一直包围着我 [01:14.38] Before the shadow's taken my life [01:14.38] 直到黑暗带走我的生命 [01:20.07] Set my mistakes a blaze [01:20.07] 请将我的过错付之一炬 [01:24.32] I had been so afraid [01:24.32] 我总是感到恐惧 [01:28.39] Holding you tight in my arms [01:28.39] 把你紧紧拥入怀中 [01:31.53] Away from the harms [01:31.53] 远离所有的伤害 [01:33.04] Though it all went wrong [01:33.04] 即便这一切都错了 [01:35.65] I leave you the dawn [01:35.65] 但我将留给你黎明的曙光 [01:37.26] I will keep in mind [01:37.26] 我将铭记在心 [01:41.00] To be brave so that I can find [01:41.00] 鼓起勇气才能找到 [01:45.24] The path where I took all the pain [01:45.24] 那条我承受的痛苦之路 [01:48.29] And still walked away with a true heart [01:48.29] 携着最真诚的心走过 [01:52.68] I've known it all the way [01:52.68] 一路以来,铭记在心 [02:10.80] See the world for yourself [02:10.80] 你亲自去看看这世界吧 [02:15.06] Free of these broken shells [02:15.06] 挣脱这些破碎的躯壳 [02:19.28] Remember every sunlight, stars of the night [02:19.28] 记住每一缕阳光和夜晚闪烁的群星 [02:23.80] Honey, they all shine for you in the sky [02:23.80] 亲爱的,它们都在天空中为你闪耀 [02:28.10] Will you keep in mind [02:28.10] 请你铭记在心 [02:31.84] To smile so it all rewinds [02:31.84] 笑一笑,就让一切倒回 [02:36.20] Back to when we held your hands, where sun kissed the land [02:36.20] 回到我们牵着你的手,阳光亲吻大地的时候 [02:40.73] If only I can [02:40.73] 如果我可以 [02:43.50] I would live it all again [02:43.50] 我多想回到那时候 [02:53.69] We are with you till the end [02:53.69] 我们一直都在