[00:00.00]Let it unfold [00:02.31]让激流展开 [00:03.72]Will howling tides give me something to hold [00:06.52]咆哮的潮水里,我能否抓住 些什么 [00:07.67]On to my life when I've sunken so low [00:10.16]命悬一线之际,越来越深的沉默 [00:11.20]Over the end of the vortex we took every breath to follow [00:15.82]竭尽全力,穿过这涡流的尽头 [00:16.83]Where do we go [00:17.99]我们将何去何从 [00:18.78]Where do we end up when we save the world [00:21.82]拯救世界后又将归于何处 [00:22.55]Truth in the shadows so brightened in gold [00:25.28]真相在黑暗中熠熠生辉 [00:26.21]Place our fate into the ones aren't in control [00:30.07]就把命运交由那些无法掌控的人 [00:31.76]Stop [00:32.38]停下 [00:32.53]A couple things undue [00:33.35]有些事还未有结果 [00:33.83]Drop the fight and let it follow through [00:35.02]就放下斗争,顺其自然 [00:35.65]Freeze just for a sec or 2 [00:37.17]心脏骤停 [00:37.46]Breathe again in the world anew [00:38.97]然后在新世界里重新呼吸 [00:39.66]I guess that there was never such a thing [00:40.86]我想这个世界上本就不存在 [00:41.67]Like everything's meant to be [00:42.97]所谓“命中注定” [00:43.39]But imma win this silly game [00:44.54]我偏要赢得这个荒谬的游戏 [00:45.42]Until then I will never leave [00:46.39]在那之前绝不放弃 [00:46.90]Take back all my regrets [00:48.02]取回我所有的遗憾和错 [00:48.73]And camouflage it like your silhouette [00:50.60]用它塑造你的轮廓 [00:51.11]Time is like music [00:52.13]时间就像音乐 [00:52.55]Play it 'til the end and then reset [00:54.27]播至尽头,再重回原点 [00:54.87]Knowing it all am I destined to fall? [01:06.22]知晓 一切的 我,是否注定坠落 [01:09.25]Like once you did for me [01:18.52]就 像你曾为 我 那样 做过 [01:27.57](Reverse) [01:29.80](回溯) [01:35.64]Back to me [01:36.14]找到我 [01:36.45]I know that you can track it back to me [01:37.93]我知道你会寻着线索找到我 [01:38.71]No matter who and what and when intertwined, dive back in time [01:40.38]无论时空如何交织,回溯到时光深处 [01:41.40]The truth will remember our legacy [01:42.54]就把我们的痕迹留存于真相 [01:43.35]Wasn't it hard to follow [01:44.28]难以跟随我的脚步吗? [01:44.88]I'd do it again tomorrow [01:46.48]明天我会再次尝试的 [01:47.15](It drag me down and drag me down) [01:48.16](使我沉没…使我沉没…) [01:48.81]Maybe we'll never leave [01:50.08]或许我们永远无法挣脱枷锁 [01:50.83]Like trying to bend water [01:52.05]就像人永远无法斩断水流 [01:52.91]Why would you even bother [01:54.16]你何苦做这样无谓的努力 [01:54.86]Time is like music [01:55.80]时间就像音乐 [01:56.25]Now you know I've got to kill it [01:57.73]现在你明白我不得不让一切结束 [01:58.62]Wanting it all [01:59.40]若是太过贪心 [01:59.76]And the whole world will crumble and fall [02:02.53]整个 世界 都会崩塌陷落 [02:07.44]Let it unfold [02:08.88]让激流展开 [02:09.42]Will howling tides give me something to hold [02:12.20]咆哮的潮水里,我能否抓住 些什么 [02:13.35]On to my life when I've sunken so low [02:15.93]命悬一线之际,越来越深的 沉默 [02:17.03]Over the end of the vortex we took every breath to follow [02:21.48]竭尽全力,穿过这涡流的尽头 [02:22.50]Where do we go [02:23.85]我们将何去何从 [02:24.41]Where do we end up when we save the world [02:27.36]拯救世界后又将归于何处 [02:28.08]Truth in the shadows so brightened in gold [02:31.12]真相在黑暗中熠熠生辉 [02:31.91]Place our fate into the ones … [02:36.05]就 把命运 交由 那些… [02:40.67]I've held promises unbroken [02:43.40]我 一直遵守着承诺 [02:45.05]Even when the night has fallen [02:52.41]即便 夜幕早已降临 [02:53.71]Shattered mirrors our reflection [02:58.38]我们 的模样 随 镜子破碎 [03:00.91]Should you keep the light on reason? [03:07.38]你还能守住理性的光吗? [03:08.17]I'VE HELD PROMISES UNBROKEN [03:19.04]我 一直遵守着承诺 [03:22.55]SHATTERED MIRRORS OUR REFLECTION [03:29.40]我们的 模样随镜子 破碎 [03:33.66]Let it un' let it un' let it un' let it unfold... [03:37.23]就让激流展开吧,展开 吧,展开 吧 …