[00:00.00] 作词 : 饭卡/鱼麦扣 [00:00.20] 作曲 : 饭卡/鱼麦扣 [00:00.41] 作词:鱼麦扣/饭卡 [00:00.41] 作曲:鱼麦扣/饭卡 [00:00.41] 原版编曲:白鲨JAWS/饭卡/WIILIM缪维霖 [00:00.41] 改编编曲:饭卡/白鲨JAWS/郑皓荣 [00:00.41] 改编制作人:饭卡 [00:00.41] 主唱/和声:鱼麦扣/饭卡 [00:00.41] 吉他:嘉林 [00:00.41] 贝斯:老妹儿 [00:00.41] 鼓手:孙钰 [00:00.41] 钢琴:饭卡 [00:00.41] 人声编辑:饭卡 [00:00.41] 音频编辑:饭卡/老妹儿 [00:00.41] 混音:WIILIM缪维霖/老妹儿 [00:00.41] 母带:WIILIM缪维霖 [00:00.41] 音乐监制:胡霓 [00:00.41] 音乐发行:黄咏竹/吴哲宇 [00:00.41] 出品:哔哩哔哩音乐制作中心 [00:01.85] 白鲨JAWS: [00:01.85] Let it unfold [00:01.85] (让激流展开) [00:03.66] Will howling tides give me something to hold [00:03.66] (咆哮的潮水里,我能否抓住些什么) [00:07.38] On to my life when I've sunken so low [00:07.38] (命悬一线之际,越来越深的沉默) [00:11.15] Over the end of the vortex we took every breath to follow [00:11.15] (竭尽全力,穿过这涡流的尽头) [00:16.75] Where do we go [00:16.75] (我们将何去何从) [00:18.70] Where do we end up when we save the world [00:18.70] (拯救世界后又将归于何处) [00:22.43] Truth in the shadows so brightened in gold [00:22.43] (真相在黑暗中熠熠生辉) [00:26.17] Place our fate into the ones aren't in control [00:26.17] (就把命运交由那些无法掌控的人) [00:31.80] Stop [00:31.80] (停下) [00:32.38] A couple things undue [00:32.38] (有些事还未有结果) [00:33.72] Drop the fight and let it follow through [00:33.72] (就放下斗争,顺其自然) [00:35.56] Freeze just for a sec or 2 [00:35.56] (心脏骤停) [00:37.42] Breathe again in the world anew [00:37.42] (然后在新世界里重新呼吸) [00:39.46] I guess that there was never such a thing [00:39.46] (我想这个世界上本就不存在) [00:41.35] Like everything's meant to be [00:41.35] (所谓“命中注定”) [00:43.26] But imma win this silly game [00:43.26] (我偏要赢得这个荒谬的游戏) [00:44.98] Until then I will never leave [00:44.98] (在那之前绝不放弃) [00:46.76] Take back all my regrets [00:46.76] (取回我所有的遗憾和错) [00:48.65] And camouflage it like your silhouette [00:48.65] (用它塑造你的轮廓) [00:50.58] Time is like music [00:50.58] (时间就像音乐) [00:52.39] Play it 'til the end and then reset [00:52.39] (播至尽头,再重回原点) [00:54.34] Knowing it all am I destined to fall? [00:54.34] (知晓一切的我,是否注定坠落) [00:58.32] Like once you did for me [00:58.32] (就像你曾为我那样做过) [01:01.78] (Reverse) [01:01.78] (回溯) [01:05.47] 饭卡: [01:05.47] Reverse, dont hit the pause, replay, [01:05.47] (倒转,别停下,继续循环) [01:08.42] You the reason why every single night [01:08.42] (你在我每个难眠夜晚中) [01:10.29] all my dreams got misplaced [01:10.29] (将我的梦境彻底敲碎打乱) [01:12.43] 我按下回放键 被篡改的时间线 [01:14.67] 怎么找不着 来时的坐标 [01:16.44] 直到太阳月亮颠倒 落日反转破晓 [01:18.69] 我的心脏开始燃烧 [01:20.61] Reverse, dont hit the pause, replay, [01:20.61] (倒转,别停下,继续循环) [01:23.43] Guess I'm getting no escape [01:23.43] (我大概再无任何退路) [01:24.95] from this gravity that you create [01:24.95] (彻底被吸入你的引力网) [01:27.53] 那就继续背靠着背 管黑夜多黑 [01:29.83] 我们无路可退 就不停下坠 [01:32.82] Down into the vortex… [01:32.82] (就坠入这无尽旋涡…) [01:52.43] 响了十二秒的电话我没有接 [01:53.97] 只想要在烟火下闭上眼 [01:55.45] 让周围霓虹灯光退后些 [01:56.91] 星空下才能看清你的脸 yay [01:58.54] 像将要坠地的玻璃酒杯 [02:00.17] 默念着 反重力漂浮 [02:01.83] 我渴求能够回到从前 [02:03.17] 但却被这狂潮死死咬住 [02:04.71] 这旧胶片的气味还弥漫在我这屋子里 [02:07.44] 这若干年过去了我是否还能做我自己 [02:11.04] I got lost in the history that I'm living in [02:11.04] (迷失在这条正在被记载的时间线里) [02:13.72] Or maybe I should just quit overthinkin [02:13.72] (或许我最该做的就是停止过度思考) [02:17.22] 白鲨JAWS: [02:17.22] 无意识看了看我的右手 [02:20.23] 饭卡: [02:20.23] 那落叶掠过了我的袖口 [02:23.16] 白鲨JAWS: [02:23.16] 没来得及 收藏这天候 [02:26.16] 饭卡: [02:26.16] 我目光怎么又被偷走 [02:29.34] U should really stop thinkin bout it [02:29.34] (别再想了) [02:31.66] Stop thinkin bout it stop [02:31.66] (请你别再想了) [02:33.17] Stop thinkin bout it [02:33.17] (别再想了) [02:34.29] Why ya mind overclouded [02:34.29] (怎么内心总是乌云密布呢) [02:36.51] 脱离现实的梦境化为气泡 [02:39.17] 失重的我需要怎样才能自保 [02:41.75] 饭卡/白鲨JAWS: [02:41.75] So stop thinkin bout it [02:41.75] (所以别再想了) [02:43.62] Stop thinkin bout it stop [02:43.62] (真的别再想了) [02:44.72] Stop thinkin bout it [02:44.72] (别再想了) [02:46.30] Why ya mind overclouded [02:46.30] (怎么内心总是乌云密布呢) [02:48.51] 饭卡: [02:48.51] 在这时间的缝隙停止思考 [02:50.93] 我明白多少烦恼都是庸人自扰 [02:54.20] 白鲨JAWS: [02:54.20] Open your eyes [02:54.20] (睁开你的双眼) [02:57.14] Passing through lies [02:57.14] (经过那些谎言) [03:00.49] 饭卡: [03:00.49] 脱离现实的梦境化为气泡 [03:02.97] 失重的我需要怎样才能自保 [03:05.77] So stop [03:05.77] (所以停止吧) [03:06.92] 白鲨JAWS: [03:06.92] Steady your stride [03:06.92] (稳住你的步伐) [03:09.89] Cut through the night [03:09.89] (穿过这片黑夜) [03:12.52] 饭卡: [03:12.52] 在这时间的缝隙停止思考 [03:14.94] 我明白多少烦恼都是庸人自扰